
I will be getting married in january and my fiance and i are trying to figure out a way to put in our invitation that we would prefer money than gifts. We have been living with each other for 2 years now and we have everything we could need. We wanted to say something like we appreciate gifts but would prefer money to save up for our house." any ideas on wordage. Thanks
Posted by ang; updated 07/16/04


Yes, money is a popular gift these days, and I`m sure appreciated by all. No one will argue that fact with anyone. The arguments start when everyone is trying to figure out a way to "ask" for monetary gifts. If your family and friends know your situation then they will give you money without any prompting. I cut and pasted this from The Knot.....
Cash: How Do We Ask for Gifts of Money?
Q. How do you ask for gifts of money only?

A. Well, you can`t ask for any specific gifts from your guests, monetary or otherwise. What you can do is let them know *if they ask* that you would prefer cash gifts. Let your parents, siblings, wedding party, and close friends know too, and have them tell guests the same thing if they`re asked. But *don`t* announce it in a formal way to your guests (whatever you do, don`t put a card in the invitation!). If guests are curious, they`ll ask someone close to you what you would most like to receive. Some guests are going to want to buy you material gifts, so it`s a good idea to register somewhere, at least for some stuff. And of course, be sure to accept and acknowledge (that means thank-you notes) *every* gift gracefully. As for money gifts: Let the giver know how you intend to spend their gift in your thank-you card.
Posted by RecentB; updated 07/19/04


My fiance and I are in the same situation. I actually attended a wedding where the bride and groom asked for money and we are now thinking of doing the same as we already have what we need for our house. I don`t know the exact verbiage, but the invite said something like " In lieu of gifts, a money box will be provided"...we will be asking that friend the exact verbiage that was printed on the invites b/c it sound very polite. Including that in the invite will make it a lot easier on your guest as they will don`t have to shop for a present and wrap something that you more than likely will not use or end up taking back to the store.
Posted by Julie; updated 07/19/04


Let me ask all you people who think the right verbage will make a difference of how you come off asking for money. Do you realize that a gift is optional and not required, and if you are lucky enough to have people care enough about you to give you a gift you should not dictate what it is. And this stuff about you are saving them time and trouble is a crock too. That is just your way of telling your self you are not being TACKY. Your family and close friends will know your situation and weather you prefer money or not. Save your dignity, and the embarressement to your parents and grandparents and rely on word of mouth only.
Posted by AliceB; updated 07/19/04


Calm down Alice-it`s only a wedding present. You`re making your self look as though you are "The Anti- Gift Nazi"- watch Sienfeld?. Thank you for your advise, however my family and I have NOTHING to be embarrassed about!! I respect your opinion and you should respect other people`s opinion as well. Learn not to be so up tight when it comes to wedding present, however your attitude towards this whole wedding present thing is very humorous to me and others. Thanks for the laughs ;-)
Posted by Julie; updated 07/20/04


I`m glad that you feel you can speak for others. So that said, I and others think that your thoughts on the matter of requesting CASH for gifts are far from humorous but down right rude. You would know that this is true if you ever bothered to read the 100`s of previous posts on this very subject. Recent Bride above even cut and pasted from The Knot on this very subject. As I said many times before that you may think that Family and friends are OK with the rudeness of these requests, but you won`t hear what they say behind your backs. If you were inviting someone to a Baptism for a baby, or even a birthday party would you make up a poem and say MONEY ONLY please. I hope not.
And Julie, when your trying to be funny using a popular reference.....and you feel you have to explain it
It isn`t funny anymore!
Posted by AliceB; updated 07/20/04


FOR THE RECORD- I don`t think asking for $$ is rude and if you and other thinks so, well thats their problem...I really don`t care what other`s have to say and especially don`t care what you have to say. ALL I CAN SAY IS HAVE A GREAT DAY ALICE B AND DON`T BE SO UPTIGHT, YOU`LL BE MUCH HAPPIER THAT WAY :-) LIFE IS GOOD, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ASK FOR $$ AS A WEDDING PRESENT--HAHAHAHAHA.
Posted by JULIE; updated 07/21/04



I forgot to mention that I am done with the subjest as I will be planning my wedding in which we will be asking for money as a gift. Have a great day :-)
Posted by JULIE; updated 07/21/04


Julie is obviously a very unhappy person and hides it by her lack of couth. I wouldn`t be surprised if the marriage does not last or if the groom is as tactless, then maybe they`ll both be very unhappy together. Marriage is a wonderful relationship and it`s sad that so many see weddings as a way to get "loot" from their friends and relatives. It is understandable to desire funds to help purchase a home than receive items that are not as useful, but the love and support of your family and friends far outweighs greedy people.
Posted by bride; updated 10/08/04


I am amazed today to see that people are unique. I am shocked. I guess no one can have their own views on this. The question was who has a way of asking for money. I am going to answer that question. My feelings on the matter was not asked so I will not state them unless they are asked. I found this on another post so I figured this is what you are looking for.

"Your presence is the best gift you can give. If you feel the need to give a gift a wishing well will be available at the receiption."

They have their dishes and towels for two, They have pots & pans & oven mitts too. So what do you get the Bride & Groom Whose home is set up in every room?
Their house needs repairs & some upgrades too But you cannot register for carpet & glue.
A tree that grows wishes is the way to go So let’s make it easy for all that know.
A money tree will be on display at the reception hall, To give your monetary wishes, To the Bride & Groom, with love from all.

A Gift for the Bride & Groom Our worldly possessions are plentiful as such, On our wedding present list there really isn`t much,
A gift of currency is all we ask, To help us on our lifelong task. -
Posted by Fran; updated 10/10/04


So few people really understand "tact" these days. Fran`s message started out very elegantly stating that "your presence is the best gift" and then blew it giving ways to ask for money. Too much selfishness and greed. Are you marrying for the wrong reasons? Sound like many are.
Posted by a bride; updated 10/14/04


Wow. I can`t believe the way some of you brides behave. I became engaged recently and I`m not sure how I even found this website but I wish I hadn`t. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Get a freaking grip ladies. I`m not even planning a wedding because of people like you, so worried of what everyone will think of you all the time. My guy and I will be enjoying ourselves in Fiji on our wedding day while you all worry about what your so called friends will think if you ask for the wrong type of gift. Good luck with that.
Posted by Amanda; updated 12/09/04