Quinceanera Problem?
My parents dont want me to have a quinceanera but me and my friends have hook-ups to get stuff really cheap and we want to earn up money for it how do i tell my parents that i want one with out them saying no?
Posted by Nessa; updated 07/15/04
Juss tell ur parents that its a really important thing for you....and if they say its too much money have padrinos for everything...for my 15nera..im gonna have padrinos for everything except comida and ropa interior :)!
Posted by Diana; updated 07/18/04
Well for one thing I think you should discusse this issue with your parents. Ask how ou can get money or maybe have something small. It doesn`t have to be big. I know your parents will understand.
Posted by Amarilys; updated 07/19/04