WANTED: Cathedral Lenght VEIL :)

I`m looking for a Cathedral Lenght Veil with embrodery or detaling. Would prefer Reem Acra, Lazaro, or Eve Milday Veil.
Posted by Audrey; updated 07/13/04


I have a 110" single layer ivory veil on a comb. I had it custom made for my wedding in Dec. It has scattered rhinestones with a stitched edge. Very classy. I purchased it for $210.00 (I also have a very elegant small rhinestone tiara that I wore with it.) The veil is easy to remove for the reception.
Posted by Stephanie; updated 07/17/04


I have an Eve of Milady cathedral veil for sale, and it can be available in October (after my upcoming wedding). This veil has the embroidery and beading that matches several Eve of Milady gowns (including EM003). I paid $800 for the veil and will only be wearing it for about an hour for the ceremony only, and will offer it for sale at a much, much lower price. Please email me (niardc@hotmail.com) and I can send pictures. Thanks.
Posted by Nia; updated 07/19/04


If you found a an eve veil and you`re interested in reselling it, please contact me? i am very interested!
Posted by palmer; updated 02/23/09