Help With Boy Problems!!!!!And Best Friends!

Man i`m stuck between a best friend and a boyfriend! i don`t know what to do? i love my best friend but i also love my boyfriend and i don`t want to hurt them!please tell me your advice cause i really need it!
Posted by stephanie; updated 07/05/04


Posted by stephanie; updated 07/05/04


I would chose my best freind cuz hes always gona be there for you and like once you break up with a b/f it aint the same
Posted by krystal; updated 07/05/04


I DUNNO WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by stephanie; updated 07/05/04


I think you should pick someone else. If they can`t accept the fact that you need to pick one without hurting the other then just pick someone else. Do you have a cousin or somebody else close to you ? The reason i said that was because what if u and ur boyfriend break up ur going to regret having him there right and the same goes for ur best friend but then im going to contradict myself and say that what if this is the one thing that would break both relationships up. But n e ways good luck if you can e-mail me your decision at
Posted by Brina; updated 07/12/04


Well i have recently have had the same problem but my bestfriend was my boyfriends sister. So all you got to do is go out with your boyfriend but one or two days aside where it will just me you and your best friend talk, cry, laugh, and have fun make sure you guys still help each other out because you will always have boyfriend but you will not find a friend as good as the one you got.
Posted by marissa; updated 07/14/04


Hey Stephanie,
I think you should go for your best friend, cuz there is plenty of fish in the water if you know what i mean.
Posted by Lydia; updated 07/16/04


Thanks yall!
Posted by stephanie; updated 07/16/04


I know all grown ups say that you should go for the best friend, because boys leave. It`s really true. Follow your`s really hard at times. It`s hard to figure out what your heart is telling you and what your brain is telling you. Talk with your best friend and boy friend about the issue. And why doesn`t your best friend like him? Maybe, she has a good reason you need to listen to...Follow the heart, my friend.
Posted by Jo; updated 08/07/04


Thats so true! i will
Posted by stephanie; updated 08/07/04


Relax ma
Tell ur best friend that you love your man and that if she really ur girl she`ll understand. Make sure you tell her keepin yalls friendship is important. Tell both ur man and your bf that you love and care about both of them and that they don`t have to love eachother but they need to except that both of them r gonna be in ur life
Hope it help
Posted by Latoja; updated 08/09/04


Hey my name is nicole and i just wanted to tell you i have had that problem to.what you need to do is get them both together and sit them down and talk to both of them at the same time and tell them how much they both mean to you .also ask them what would they do if they had this problem ... I am always here is you ever need to talk just e-mail me!!!
Posted by Nicole; updated 10/09/04


Well yes you should alway s pick your true friend or you can pick both if you need more people
Posted by lynn; updated 10/10/04


Hi i think that this is a test to figure out who your true friends are if they stick behind you in your decision then they are your true friends...true friends will go with what makes you happy not what makes them happy...if they dont agree with that then find new ones because they arent really your friends if they put themselves before they put a friendship you never put yourself before your girls you put your girls first.....this whole conflict might be a test on how much you can depend on your friendship between them....good luck with whichever you choose.
Posted by Morgan; updated 10/25/05


Hey gurl all i got to say iz ur boyfriendz will come and go all the time. So just pur urself in ur best friendz position c how it iz. Cuz if ur man cant understand that sometimes u gotta be with ur best friend then u need to lose him cuz homegurlz ALWAYZ come before ur niggas
Posted by nillissa; updated 10/28/05


All i gotta say iz go with the best friend cuz boyfriends come and go and put urself in ur best friendz position c how it feels
Posted by nillissa; updated 10/28/05


I think maybe you should ask them both of why they r puttin you ina situation where you have to choose b/w them both, Tell them both how u honestly feel and how its really hurtin you b/c even if you end up choosing one, the other one will get hurt. Or maybe ur best fwend is seeing something that ur not seeing and or she sees that he isnt right 4u( although yet u might think hes da one 4u) gurl, either way i think it comes down on how and what u feel iz right 4u. Listen 2 da reason they give you and also explain2 them both how thay r both important and dat even if they cant stand each other, to try get along just 4u. ( if dey love u as much as they say do, then they will) much love and wen eva u need some1 write2 me:)
Posted by mary; updated 11/12/05


Hey i sorta have to problems for my boyfriend i like my boy friend but i dont think i love him and the my friend shawn is going out with my best friend meg and i relyy relly like him what should i do
Posted by Rachel; updated 07/09/06