Quinceanera Ideas? I Can Try To Help.
I have my daughters quinceanera coming up real soon. Feb. 1, 2003. And I got alot of information in the past year. If you have any questions, I can try to help. I will post pictures after the event is over. E-mail me if you have any questions. Taz4tweety@aol.com
Posted by Rosie; updated 06/26/04
My name is tania and i live in texas. My 15enra is gonna be novemeber 27,2004 and i have everything but a valz for that night. And i dont know if i wanna put damas cuz i was thinkg about just having guys dress in pachocos. But i have not idea how to create a valz. CAN SOMEONE PLZ HELP! SHOULD I PUT DAMAS OR NO? AND HOW DO I MAKE A PRETTY VALZ? PLZZ HELP.
EMAIL ME AT Babygirl13_6920@hotmail.com
Posted by Tania; updated 06/26/04
Hi im not having my 15th till july 2005 but im stressed out cuz i don`t want a big 15th party but do ideas about an event organization like when to do what things , lf you could give me ideas on a scheduale for my 15 birthday party i would be so grateful.
Posted by beth; updated 07/08/04
I need serious help trying to come up with ideas with my debut if you could send me pic or information that would really help.
Posted by jackie; updated 08/30/04
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Posted by John; updated 09/04/04
Hi well my 15 is in feb my dress is white with light blue green yellow purple pink roses. And im ganna give cookies and stuff away but i dont know what to do with my hair. And i need help on the invitations and on all sorts of little things i want it unique diffrent please help me
Posted by BELEN; updated 10/25/04
Hi my name is jorge and my girlfriends 15`s is comming up. I want to get her the perfect gift. Do you have any ideas. I would really appreciate if u could help me.
Posted by jorge; updated 06/27/05