Mori Lee Dress
Jeesh, all I was trying to get was the # for the dress I saw and to see if I could contact Mori Lee at all. That`s it! I didn`t say the tags were missing, just that when I called to get the #, the young girl on the phone said she didn`t have the # Mori Lee gave them, just the # that store gave it. I`m sure I could have made her get up, go look and give me the # but I didn`t. That`s IT! There is nothing wrong with the store, and I understand why they do things this way, but it still sucks for those of us making barely above min. Wage wanting to comparison shop. Sorry I got you all riled up over this, it seems you didn`t understand what I was posting.
Posted by Liz; updated 06/22/04
You did nothing wrong. You should be able to price shop around for your gown. Your able to price shop around for a car or home items from Home Depot & Lowes or Sears and even food between Stop & Shop and Waldbaums so why shouldn`t you be able to price shop your bridal gown? If the store employee can not help you with the actual style number then they are hiding something or are not confident of not only their price but their price and service. Do not be fooled buy these tatics. The designers ENCOURAGE all retailers to NOT give out too much information and to sell you RIGHT THEN AND NOW. But if you feel comfortable with this shop and it services you should be OK.
Posted by Gia; updated 06/23/04