How to lose a maid of honor, bridesmaid, and two friends all in the same week...
To all new brides...please do not become psycho bride during your planning phrase. My friend has been planning her wedding for approximately two weeks and has managed to lose her maid of honor, one of her bridesmaids, two very good friends, a free wedding dress, and many other freebies because she felt her decisions were being controlled by at least one of those friends. When you ask for input, be able to take it constructively, not personally. It`s not all about you!
Posted by Cris; updated 06/22/04
You`re right, it isn`t all about you. It`s all about you and your FH. No, don`t become overbearing, try to listen to others opinions. But it is your day. I wouldn`t lose friends over it though.
Posted by Christi; updated 06/22/04
BUT... If you were a true friends, you would realize that her heart is in the right place--she just wants her special day to be perfect, and you being this great (and also all knowing friend) should realize that and be more understanding. If that is the kind of friend you are, then I say no loss to her!
Posted by Nicole; updated 06/23/04
You are right, but the keyword here is "if." If she was a true friend, the bride would not be so quick to throw away her friendships...right or wrong. Me, personally...I made every attempt possible to mend the fence and keep it in perspective. It was the bride who chose to throw in the towel, which lead me to say, "how good of a friend was she?"
I appreciate your input, though, and truly understand what you`re saying.
You are absolutely right also, but if you want all of your friends to share in this special time, think about it first. Be prepared to make concessions and be prepared to take constructive criticism. They all want you and your FH to have a memorable day, they wouldn`t have been there for the proposal if the bride didn`t know that.
You both have given me a little more perspective and I do appreciate that. However, as a former bride and a current newlywed bride of three months, I can`t say I would have acted the same way.
Posted by Cris; updated 06/23/04