Daughters Quinceanera Help
Help my daughter is dedicating her quinceanera
In loving memory of my grandfather in 16 days i`ve got no ideas help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!asap.
Thank you
Posted by roz; updated 06/21/04
What do you need help with?
Posted by Guerita; updated 06/21/04
Here is one idea, it`s almost what they do at weddings.. Have a beautiful floral arrangement made up in memory of the person, then in the program make a notation about the floral arrangement and for who it is in memory of. After the party, give the memorial floral arrangement to someone in the family who was very close.. Like example his/her wife, or one of the children, or better yet, take it to the nearest children`s hospital and have it displayed at the nurses station to be enjoyed by all.
Posted by MOM:); updated 06/23/04