I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions for what I could do for my presentation at my party. My quinceanera is in about 5 weeks and I need help. Please answer asap.
Thank you for your help.
Posted by Natalie; updated 06/18/04


What do u mean by this ive done and been to alot of quinces buh i hvae no clue wut u r talkin about if u could explain a lil better i can helpp k

Posted by softballbabygurl; updated 06/18/04


I meant like when they announce my name and i show up at the reception. Cuz some quinceaneras have like a flower they come out of or come down the stairs or something like that. I don`t know if that helps.
Posted by Natalie; updated 06/19/04


Well noe i have an idea what you are talkin about !!! are you goin to have a court b/c if u are then u can have ur court give u like a rose or somthing and then you can give ur roeses to specail ppl or that u care about ya kno or you can also have like a slideshow presentation at ur reception and were you talkin about ur reception or baile ??? well i hope i helped and if u need anythung eles just hitt me up ight

P`z n luv
Posted by softballbabygurl; updated 06/21/04


Hey girl e-mail me so i can tell u what i did for that but i dont want to post it and have everyone doing it u know whta i mean well e-mail me and i can even show u pictures of how i did it

Jennifer latinjen0000@yahoo.com
Posted by jennifer; updated 06/21/04