Want The Quince Christian Church Service?

Hi everyone,
If you asked me to email the Quince Christian Church Service that we used and I didn`t send it to you yet, please email me. My daughter`s boyfriend pulled it off my computer and onto my daughter`s so I can now email it out. Anyone else who would also like it emailed to them, just send me your email address so I can send it on to you. Happy planning girls!
Posted by Pat; updated 06/07/04


I`m supposed to speak at a Quince and I would like your church service stuff if u wud be so kind
Posted by Wally; updated 06/09/04


Hi Wally,
Please send me your email address to me at PatPal916@comcast.net and I`ll get the quince service emailed to you. It does not include what the Pastor said during the service tho...you`d be on your own there.
Posted by Pat; updated 06/09/04


Please send it 2 me @ the following: wwe@mts.net

Posted by Wally; updated 06/10/04


Hi, please email the christian ceremony to me. Thanks much!!!
Posted by linda; updated 06/10/04


Linda, could you either post your email address here or email it to me at PatPal916@comcast.net so I can send the church service to you? Also...Wally, I emailed the service to you. Did you get it OK?
Posted by Pat; updated 06/11/04


Could really use this info.
Thank you, angie
Posted by angie; updated 06/16/04


I am planning a Quinceanera as well. Could you send me the Christian Church Service that you used?
Posted by Alli; updated 08/16/04


Forgot to tell you...when you send it, you can send the church service to baugher@susqu.edu THANKS
Posted by Alli; updated 08/16/04


Hi, I would really like you to email me the Church Service. Thanks!
Posted by Krystal; updated 08/16/04


Alli...I emailed the service to you.
Krystal...please email me at PJP916@aol.com with your email address so I can email it to you.
Posted by Pat; updated 08/16/04


My daughter is 14, and is interested in a quicenanera. My mom is mexican, but we are not catholic, so i was wondering if i could get a copy of the service and adapt it to a protestant service.
Posted by KatRyn; updated 09/21/04


Hi Katryn,
If you email me, then I can email the service we used for our daughter`s quince to you. My email address is PJP916@aol.com.
Posted by ~Pat~; updated 09/24/04


Please send me anything you have about the service.
Posted by KatRyn; updated 09/25/04


Pat you are a life saver!! Anything you can send me to help my daughter is appreciated! Email me at bettyboop2004@comcast.net. Also do you know how far ahead you need to begin planning? Thanx:)
Posted by tee; updated 09/28/04


Hey can u mail it to me at janurybaby261@aol.com
Posted by lorjanth; updated 11/19/04


I too am not Cathloic and trying to do a non-denominational Quinceanera service. Can you email me what you have? Thanks
Posted by Jimmy; updated 11/26/04


Hey Jimmy,
I`d be glad to email the service to you. Just send an email to me at PJP916@aol.com or post your email address on here and I`ll get it right out to you.
Posted by ~Pat~; updated 11/26/04


I am planning my sisters quince and we`re Christian so this would be great help to us, thanks! munchkin69rm@aol.com
Posted by marisela; updated 01/05/05


Im planning my daughters 15 dec2005
Posted by leticia mendez; updated 01/09/05


I`d love to see your Christian quinceanera service.


Lew Fry
Posted by R. Lewis Fry; updated 01/25/06


Would like to see the quinceanera service.
Posted by melissa; updated 01/25/06