Re: Jennifer Aniston`s Wedding Dress
I am look for a picture and pattern for Jennifer Aniston`s wedding dress. If anyone could help me, I would be so grateful. I have been searching the internet and sending e-mails like crazy and I have had very little success.
Thank-you in advance for you help.
Thank-you in advance for you help.
Posted by Karen Almack; updated 06/05/04
Could you e-mail a picture of Jennifer Aniston`s wedding gown please. Very grateful. Thanks
Posted by Tera; updated 06/05/04
It is either the current edition of the Enquirer or the Star magazine that has on the cover "Most Expensive Celebrity Weddings" or something like that. Inside is a photo of her in the dress, but only from the neck up. I don`t think each photo I`ve seen only showing very little of the dress is an accident. No one seems to know who designed her gown, and I think that she worked hard to conceal that. Ms. Pitt obviously does not want others duplicating her wedding day look and may have gone out of her way to ensure that no full page photos of her gown or who made it are ever known to anyone. A full head to toe photo of most celebrity brides can be found somewhere, but apparently not of her. I`m sure in her "official" wedding album in her home, there are many full page photos, like most couples. They`ve been married several years now, and I`ve never, ever seen one. Some people just want to be original. Not everyone wants a dress twin. By the way, the one in the current Star or Enquirer will be another disappointment if you`re looking for how this gown looks head to toe, as it only shows from the neck up.
Posted by Faith; updated 06/26/04
Did you ever get photo`s? I`ve been looking but no luck. Anyone with photo`s of Jennifer Aniston`s wedding dress I`d be so very grateful
Posted by Bec; updated 08/03/04
Visit our page for more info: Diana's Bridal World
Posted by diana; updated 08/03/04
If you are still looking for Jen Aniston`s wedding gown, I found a web site where someone is selling hers. She is selling it for $300 canadian. It doesn`t say on the web site that it`s a Jen Aniston replica but I know because I found her before on another web site where she did describe the dress as such. The web site is, go to size 8 or 10 and she titles her link abs (along with a picuture).
If you can`t find it write me at, and I`ll try and find it again.
Good luck
If you can`t find it write me at, and I`ll try and find it again.
Good luck
Posted by amber; updated 08/06/04
Hi all I amm looking for an email address to jennifer Aniston. I am her biggest fan and want to email her regarding a few thing so email me if you know or have anything of hers.
Posted by Lee; updated 09/11/04
Hi evereone i am going to las angeles tonight for 6 months an will be near jennifer annistons house and her cast mates i.e matthew matt courteney david and lisa and i am their BIGGGEST fan so dont ever say you are cos your not ok. And i have got evereone of there autographs cos i went on fan mail addresses and have ALL of their videos and dvd`s and their calendar and game but most of all i am her 2nd cousin and that is TRUE....
Posted by tracy; updated 10/29/04
Dear Tracy from 10/29/04:
Jennifer Anniston`s REAL family members don`t feel the need to go on PartyPop to say they are family members. In fact, they don`t advertise that fact they are her REAL family members or friends to avoid whackos like you. Get a life.
Jennifer Anniston`s REAL family members don`t feel the need to go on PartyPop to say they are family members. In fact, they don`t advertise that fact they are her REAL family members or friends to avoid whackos like you. Get a life.
Posted by Samantha; updated 10/29/04
You just can`t take it in that i am her BIGGEST fan and AM her cousin i have never seen her because she is a celebrity. So sorry but gotta go cos i am going to las angeles for the 1st time to actually se HER i feel sorry for you actually because there is no point in being JELOUS.
Posted by tracy; updated 10/29/04
Posted by tracy; updated 10/29/04
Sorry LEE but i am offcially her BIGGEST fan and i AM her 2nd cousin. I do know a website called and anyone you ask for they give you the managers address so you get it but as you know you have to have a password and login name i have all of the cast`s but i suppose their is no point in me having jennifer anistons as i AM her cousin and DO have the need to ``BRAG`` about it and i will know whather wedding dress will look like as i have to go to las angeles in about 2 hours to get to the airport and i will see her wedding photos because i AM her cousin and some people on this site CANNOT eccept that
Posted by tracy; updated 10/29/04
I take it that you didn`t get on the site isn`t that a shame or i could give you my login name and password, lee e-mail me saying you still want the address but it does all depend on if i can be bothered.
Posted by tracy; updated 10/30/04
Jennifer wore a floor-length white satin silk gown designed by Lawrence Steele. Her ivory-colored, suede high-heel sandals were designed by shoemaker Manolo Blahnik for Steele. The bridesmaids wore pale green silk chiffon slip dresses.
Visit our page for more info: Bargain-Bride
Posted by BB; updated 10/30/04
How do you know what she wore because if you are her desighner or something like that would she really want that to be broadcasted all over the web i don`t think so but thanks for the information and that description is exactly right because i am her cousin and went to her and mr pitt`s house but i`m afraid that the shoes wern`t like you described them they were high heels and you said they ere sandals i think i should know seeing as though i was there and i `am her cousin and also i like going onto partypop so i can brag about it and make all of you jelouse but the wedding dress is perfectly descripted i wasn`t to sure about my wedding dress when i had to where it but so what she IS MY cousin and is rich and is my favourite cousin cos we spend so much time together unlike you lot who probably live in the uk i have just moved to las angeles so me and her and bradd can get more closer and find out about each other i am going to a party tonight where all of the friends cast are going to be there and it is where most of the other celebrities go on their parties so sorry to brag see yaxx
Posted by tracy; updated 10/31/04
Tracy, you should seek counsiling, and maybe go sit in a rubber room for a few days.
Posted by your a loser; updated 10/31/04
Oh, and Tracy, you should probably read back through your messages to get your lies in order. You weren`t at her wedding because you said you never met her--read through you messages again.
Posted by your a loser; updated 10/31/04
Well i was only joking about that i went to her wedding but it IS true that i am her 2nd cousin and if any-one is the looser it IS going to be YOU. You cant hack it that i am her cousin are you one of those people who goes me me me me all day long just because you CAN`T face the truth sorry love but your the one who is sitting in the rubber room!! so you an bug off miss`I WANT` all of the time.peepzx
Posted by to my LOOSER; updated 10/31/04
This post is about the dress NOT jennifer aniston, so get over yourself!
Posted by BB; updated 10/31/04
How can i when you are lying about what we wore at her wedding you said we wore green dresses when we had pale pink dresses i think i should know seeing as though that i am her cousin and WAS there at her wedding. If you don`t undrestand then look it up in the dictionary.peepzx
Posted by to my LOOSER; updated 11/01/04
Oh my goodness, Tracy, you really need to get a life. And after that, you need to learn what spelling and punctuation is. You are no more related to Jennifer Aniston than any of the rest of us and you are only making yourself look really pathetic. Perhaps you should be cruising a message board for people who are easily impressed with garbage, rather than one for honest women who are trying to either locate a wedding dress or sell one, neither of which you are obviously trying to do.
Posted by Debbi; updated 11/01/04