
Im doing my 15 and i don`t want to go to church and my mom said alright but my dad is mad cause thats not the way it supposed to be and i don`t want to go please help me!!!
Posted by BABYGIRL; updated 06/01/04


I think that you should go to Church and thank God for that wonderful day and to thank him for everything he has done for you and for blessing you with parents that are willing to work for your quinceanera. They are right a quinceanera is not a quinceanera without a Mass. I think that you should think about that because one of these days you are going to want your children to do something really bad for you and they are not going to want to. I am going to have a quinceanera to if the LORD wishes and the Church is what iam looking foward to.
Posted by Lissette; updated 06/01/04


Gurl i think u shuld go 2 church ... It wont kill u .. U needa thank god for everything he giving you .. N thank him fo ya 15 party .. !!! juss go izz a good idea .. Aiight n izz ur party do n ya life so w.e ya want buh w.e decision u make tell ya parents u da 1 havin da party!!
Posted by NENA; updated 06/04/04