Bachelorette Name Tags


I`m planning to give out name tags at my sister`s party, however, instead of the guests using their own names, I was planning to give them silly fake names such as Seymore Buts or Harry Back as a conversation starter during the evening. But I need help with additional names (16 total). Does anyone have additional names to add? Thank you so much
Posted by mimi; updated 05/26/04


F.Y.I. Seymore Butts is an adult film producer. I"m not into that...but i saw a show once on showtime...called family business....just giving you a heads up.

I dont have any ideas for you..but try to catch the Simpsons (on fox) when Bart calls the bar he uses fake funny names!
Posted by Tracie; updated 05/27/04


Thank you for your help!! I actually found a web site that was a great
Posted by mim; updated 05/28/04