Maid Of Honor Can`t Come To Bachelorette!

Another bridesmaid has just arranged for the bride`s bachelorette to be held in Vegas, across the country. There`s no way I can go, and I`m the maid of honor. Instead, I am going to host a pre-Vegas bachelorette party.
Was this rude of the other bridesmaid to do? There is a 3rd bridesmaid who has 3 kids and is expecting another - and there`s just no way she could fly cross-country, either.
Posted by MDN; updated 05/25/04


I don`t think it was rude at all. First of all, the other bridesmaid should have talked to you first before she even planned something. I actually think it`s great that you are planning that type of party!!
Posted by Megan; updated 06/02/04