Response Cards
I am having an outside wedding and I am sending out response cards in order to have a close number in order to plan for seats, etc. A couple of months ago, I received a wedding invitation with a response card and no stamp on it. Are you supposed to put a stamp on response cards? Also, how far ahead of the wedding do you suggest to put a date for the response cards to be mailed back? Thanks!
Posted by Dana; updated 05/20/04
Yes, the response card should have a stamp on it; guests shouldn`t have to purchase a stamp.
The date that the response cards should be sent back to you depends on how far in advance your vendors need to know a final count. Invitations are typically sent out 8 weeks before the date of the wedding - six if the guests are in-town. If you caterer needs a final count 7-10 days before the wedding I`d request that guests get their response cards back to you no later than two weeks before the event. That way, you have a buffer and aren`t rushed.
Best wishes!
Posted by Kay; updated 05/20/04