When To Send Save The Date`s
How soon should I send the save the date cards? I have quite a few people coming from out of state and I want to make sure they have enough time to make plans, but I dont want to send them too soon either. What did you guys do?
Posted by Crey; updated 05/20/04
I am currently studying to be a bridal consultant and the book I have does not give an exact amount of time.
Since invites should be mailed out 6-8 weeks before and you need to have the save the date cards out before the invites, I would say maybe 12-14 weeks maybe.
Or as soon as you have your date set and major decisions made. My best friend sent hers out a year before and since I have a wedding webpage, save the date e-cards were sent to those I chose to share my web page with and my wedding is still 2 1/2 yrs away. I will be sending out regular ones in the mail closer to the time.
I would say as soon as the date is set and your ceremony and reception site is booked.
Posted by brandy; updated 05/21/04
When I got married, we sent them out in February for a November wedding. It was Thankgiving weekend and we had alot of out of towners coming that would have to make travel arrangements etc.
Posted by RecentBride; updated 05/21/04
Thanks! For the good advise.
Posted by Nikie Henley; updated 07/30/05
I not only have an invitation business but I`m also a Wedding and Party Consultant. In my experience, it is best to send out Save-The-Date cards anywhere from six months to one year before your wedding date. Longer than that, and people don`t have "next years" calendar and they end up misplacing the Save-the-Date card. Shorter than that and they may not have ample time to arrange time from work and travel arrangements.
Any further questions, please feel free to contact Rikki Montoro at By_Invitation_Only@msn.com
Posted by Rikki; updated 08/25/05