Question For Meredith, Kay, Bethy And Linda
Hello ladies,
My research on wedding etiquette indicates that including registry information in a shower invitation is almost as big of a faux pas as including it with the ceremony invitation. Please see rule #9 at:
It appears, however, that one has a little more wiggle room when it comes to including registry information in the shower invitations. I`d like to read your thoughts on this.
Also, would any of you be willing to proof read the wording of my invitations? I`m confident in its accuracy as far as grammar and punctuation, but as you know, wedding etiquette doesn`t necessarily follow the rules of grammar.
Looking forward to your responses,
Posted by Audra; updated 05/16/04
I am none of those ladies but I do see your point. I have always seen registry info put into invites and have read in a few books a few years back to do so. I have only seen this as acceptable and never realized that it wan`[t. I know you should never put it into a wedding invite but shower invites never occured to me.
I am getting ready to start at home study on how to become a bridal consultant so I should have all this perfected long before I get married, October 2006, but this was a heads up for me.
I just recieved a wedding invite with all of the registry info in the invite and because of the relationship between my us (my FH and I) and the couple we were far from offended. In fact I giggled a little thinking about the reaction of some of the women on here.
I am sure your invites are fine. I always take a sample and rewrite it with our info to see if it is correct and that always seems to help.
Congrats and Good luck!
Posted by brandy; updated 05/17/04
My thoughts on including registry information in shower invites is --- since the bride is not the person sending out the invites, nor is she dictating what is written or included in them, it isn`t a question of proper etiquette on the part of the bride.
If I were hosting a bridal shower, I would not include registry information in the invitation. If guests wanted to query as to where the bride and groom are registered I would verbally tell them when asked.
That`s my thought on the issue.
Posted by Kay; updated 05/19/04
Actually, I searched many etiquette sites when I started planning my own wedding, I found no sites that indicated registry info could not be included in shower invites.I was surprised to see that link that you included. My research said it is totally acceptable to include this in shower invites, because the bride is not hosting the shower and going back in time the purpose of the Shower is to "Shower" the couple with gifts. And each of these sites also stressed ONLY shower invites NEVER wedding invites. I see nothing wrong with including this info in the shower invitations. And let me interject here that anyone on these boards know that I am totally opposed to including registry info, wishing wells, cute or tacky poams in the wedding invites! And Audra I would be happy to proof read your invites!
Posted by Bethy; updated 05/21/04
Thank you so much! I really need to get my invites ordered. Please reply with your email address, or send an email directly to: and I will reply with my wording (et al) attached.
Thank you, again.
Posted by Audra; updated 05/21/04
I am currently studying to be a bridal consultant and here is what my books says...
Note that it is never proper to request gifts or cash on the invitation. However, the hostess may indicate the shower`s theme on the invitation (if there is a theme), and information about colors and sizes ( for bed, bath, linen or lingerie shower). The guest may then choose to do whatever they wish with the information.
Hope this helps.
Posted by brandy; updated 05/23/04