Fear Factor Sweet Sixteen Party

Okay, here`s the deal. My b-day is on the 25th (give or take a couple days depending on sceduels). I decided a Fear Factor party would be really cool! Origionally, I didn`t want to have a huge party, just my close friends...I might be able to pull off 9 people or so...give or take.. So, all I need is some uber cool stunts. There won`t be any couples or anything,...no makeout games..any help? If you do have ideas, email me at icezzy1@yahoo.com . Thanks a ton!
Posted by Rada; updated 05/16/04


No one will be eliminated if they decide not to participate in a challenge, they will not accumulate the points needed to win the game! Children will be given a prize instead of points for each challenge they participate in. The person with the most points at the end of the challenges wins the grand prize and will be FEAR FACTOR champion!!!!

„X As guests arrive, they will be given a card and a pen to write their greatest FEAR on the card. This will be used as an icebreaker and read aloud at the beginning of the party while the Food (spaghetti and salad and punch) will be served at the beginning BEFORE the challenges begin and the cake will be served at the end after all the challenges are completed.

Challenge #1: Teams of two will be formed, in this challenge teams can form with whomever they wish. Children may participate in this challenge and with another child or an adult. This is the simple egg toss. The egg is tossed back and forth, being careful to catch the egg without breaking it. The teams that break the egg are omitted from play. The last team standing with an unbroken egg will receive 1 point each! 20 min

Challenge #2: Teams of two will be formed, in this challenge teams can form with whomever they wish. Children may participate in this challenge - a good team example would be parent and child or a couple. The teams must decide who will be the ¡§receiver¡¨ and who will be the ¡§sender¡¨. Teams with an adult and child, the child will always be the ¡§sender¡¨. After each team is formed, using approximately 4 buckets at a time (depending on team size) the buckets will be filled with water. The receiver will sit behind the bucket on the ground and the sender will stand behind a drawn line. The sender will be then given 10 water balloons to try and toss into the bucket full of water. Here¡¦s the catch, Except for the small children, all the senders will be blindfolded! The team with the most unbroken balloons in the buckets of water will each win 2 points for each balloon. 30 min

Challenge #3: At one end of an area or at the bottom of the hill, a bucket or baby pool will be filled with water and at the other end two empty containers will await. Participants will be teamed against one another equally (children against children, adults against each other). Each participant will be given a sponge. When the whistle is blown, each person will dunk their sponges into the bucket of water and run to the other end where they will have to squeeze as much water from the sponge and into the container. The first person to fill their container wins 3 points. 25 min

Challenge # 4: A bucket of cold slimy oatmeal will have several smooth river rocks in it (about 10) all about the same size, but only 3 will have numbers written on them. These numbers are to the combination of a lock. Once all 3 of the numbered rocks are found the players will have to figure out the order of the numbers of the combination and unlock the lock, participants will take turns in this challenge, it is very important that the combination is not revealed to the other players. This is a timed event. The person that finds all three numbers, figures out the combination and opens the lock in the shortest amount of time wins 4 points. 45 min

Challenge #5: A food relay will be set up. Each contestant will take an item from each of the plates beginning with cat eyes (green olives wrapped in a cheese and flour mixture). They will eat it, then they can advance to the next item, stomach lining (cold tofu or boiled tripe), eat and advance. Next drink a small cup of cow¡¦s blood (hot and spicy V-8 juice), eat and advance. Next are worms (Gumi worms dipped in honey and rolled in Oreo cookie crumbs), eat then advance. Lastly, saltine crackers with peanut butter. Then run to the next table to a cool whip pie that has a piece of bubble gum buried in it. Without their hands...they have to dig into the pie...find the gum...and chew it and blow a bubble. The person with the fastest time wins this challenge and receives 3 points! Don¡¦t get sick!! ~~~~ Write down times, and don¡¦t tell contestants who was faster until the end! 30 min
Posted by R; updated 07/07/04